About Me

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I am a conservative, I ran for state office as an American Party member in 1974,and again as a republican in 1976. I have children of my own as well as step children and ALL I stand for is to defend their future. I have traveled across this nation, and Canada, I have stood on the shore of the Pacific Ocean in California, Oregon and Alaska, looked out at the Gulf from New Orleans, put my feet in the Atlanic in Florida, caught Lake Trout in Lake Superior, Fished for Grayling in Lake Wassila. I have driven over the mountains, looked across the Grand Canyon, drove through Death Valley. Mostly as a young man on the road. Now I like being home with my family, but I want them to be able to see what I saw, I want them to be able to say this is the Greatest Nation on earth! Because it is free! And as I have learned, I want them to know, FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! We owe it to our neighbors to the North and South to remain a bastian of Freedom they can lean on when there is need. MAY THE REPUBLIC LIVE ON.

Saturday, December 12, 2009




An update from

Oklahoma :
Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix, an amendment
to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol.
The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this
is a conservative state, based on Christian values...! HB 1330

Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal
immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to
get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB
1804. Hope we didn't send any of them to your state. This was against the
advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a
Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to
the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said
it was unconstitutional. SB 1102

Guess what........ Oklahoma did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state,
not under the Federal Government directives. Joining Texas , Montana
andUtah as the only states to do so. More states are likely to follow:
Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri,
Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, Florida. Save your confederate money,
it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003

The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma,
a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to
bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a set
back for the criminals (and Obamaites). Liberals didn't like it -- But

Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.

Just this month, my state has voted and passed a law that ALL driver's
license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other
language. We have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that
ALL of our road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in
Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple.


By the way,
The Attorney General does not like any of this.
Guess what....who cares...

Oklahoma is doing it anyway.

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